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Frequently Asked Questions About Dance & Group Fitness Classes

Absolutely NOT! Most people's first time through our doors is as a total beginner. Our Beginner Classes start from the very beginning and assume that you know nothing. We break down all the moves slowly so you will pick it by the end of the class.

The answer is yes! You actually don’t have 2 left feet. Your brain just doesn’t have any muscle memory for dancing…YET! Our beginner classes are designed to start slow and break down every move. Our goal is for you to have fun without being overwhelmed. If you would like more information, download our free PDF on easy ways to overcome feeling like you have 2 left feet in the privacy of your own home.

For more information, see our post on the 3 Exercises For 2 Left Feet (Without Leaving Home)!

You do not need a partner in order to take our classes or to learn how to dance in general! In our group classes, we rotate partners so that you get to meet new people and practice your dance steps with many different partners. Sometimes new students are hesitant if they don't have a wingman. Once you walk into one our classes, you will instantly make friends as our instructors will organize and teach the lesson. However, if you bring a partner and prefer not to rotate, just let the instructor know at the beginning of class and they will accommodate you. Should you decide to start dancing with private lessons, you will be dancing the instructor either lead or follow so you won’t need a partner there either, though couples are welcome!

You can put everything you are learning into action right after your first beginner lesson. People use their dancing skills at wedding receptions, reunions, and company parties. If you are going on a cruise, they will usually provide several different themed dance parties. Lastly, there are nightclubs and live bands you can go to as well. Many Ballroom and Latin dances are done to today’s popular music. The more you know in your dancing, the more opportunities you will have to dance.

Whatever makes you feel comfortable and allows you to move around is okay! Dancing is about movement and enjoyment. Keep in mind that skirts can fly up as you turn so you might want to wear shorts under a skirt.

Dance shoes are recommended but not required. Anything that has a smooth sole would be great. However, you need to be able to move comfortably and safely. We advise that you do not wear rubber-soled shoes or shoes that could slip off of your feet. Sharp heels, flip flops or shoes with metal bottoms are strongly discouraged because they can damage the floor or cause injury to you. Ballroom dance shoes have a suede sole that allow easy turns without straining your joints or slipping on the floor.

You do not need to shop in stores that specialize in dance attire and shoes. Amazon has quite a selection of dance shoes with suede bottoms. Aside from spending much less on Amazon, you will find a larger selection at your fingertips.

Every person is different, but like with any other skill, it depends on frequency of practice. In our classes, you will be dancing by the end of the first hour! Dancing regularly, at least twice a week, is ideal! The key to improving your dance skills is practice, practice, practice! The length of your training depends on how many dances you would like to learn and how proficient you would like to become in each dance. Every dance that you learn will make learning the next one easier. We focus on social dance proficiency. If you would like to compete, we have many great instructors that we can refer.

Each person has different physical limitations. Some may be more limiting than others. Our first priority in all of our classes is safety. Please, let your instructor know if you have any physical conditions that need to be considered so we can provide adaptations to the moves. Another consideration is the intensity that you do the moves. You can perform the same steps at a lower impact to make it safer for you. In any case, check with your physician before performing any physical activity that might be risky for you. No one knows your body better than you (and your doctor)!

Dancing is a natural and ageless form of expression. We have a variety of age ranges that dance with us. On any given night, you will see several generations on our dance floor. Although dance has no age restrictions, we cater primarily towards adults looking to learn something new and have fun doing it. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

We love working with wedding couples to help create a magical first dance experience! Whether you have the perfect song or want a mashup, we need to know the music that you picked first. Then we can discuss what dance goes with it. Make sure to allow plenty of time to learn the dance prior to your wedding. It takes at least 3 months to confidently learn a choreographed dance. There will be a lot happening on the day of your wedding. You want to know your dance like the back of your hand so you won’t be distracted.

We focus on social dancing so we teach dances that do not need a large space to do them. We don’t teach dances that travel. In addition to our line dance fitness classes, we teach salsa, bachata, merengue, cha cha, rumba, hustle and east coast swing. These are dances that can be done at your local nightclub to any of today’s music. We also teach waltz as a wedding dance.

ABSOLUTELY! We play today’s music in our classes. Ballroom and Latin dancing is not reserved for the Rat Pack that our grandparents liked. Latin music has gone mainstream with artists like Camila Cabello, Marc Anthony and Pitbull. Artists like Charlie Puth, Bruno Mars and Jason Derulo are great for dancing ballroom! We want our classes to be relevant which means music from this decade. Click here to see some music examples

To respect the comfort of our students, we do not allow people to just watch or video during classes. You can always attend one of our open dance events to experience our atmosphere and dance styles. At the end of a class, we will demo the moves we learned that night for you to practice them at home. If you are still unsure, book a free, introductory private lesson with us and we can discuss it.

Group classes are general lessons taught by an instructor that you will be taking with other students. Group classes are perfect to learn fundamental elements, patterns, rhythms, and moves. Advantages to group classes are meeting new people and practicing steps with different leads and follows. Plus, they are less expensive than private lessons. The drawback of group classes is the absence of a personalized pace and individual instruction.

Private lessons are one-on-one sessions with your instructor where you will be able to learn completely customized to your interests, pace, ability, and schedule. Private lessons are wonderful for polishing steps that you've learned in group class, getting ready for a specific event (i.e. a wedding), or learning additional steps that are not taught in group classes. A drawback to private lessons is they tend to be more expensive. You also don’t get the ability to dance with other students. Since we focus on social dancing, it is important to learn to lead and follow with anyone, not just your instructor.

Our social events are ideal settings to practice your newfound skills. We have an amazing community of instructors and students that support each other and grow together. There is usually a beginner group lesson at the beginning of a social event with open dancing afterward. Social events are the end goal for most of our students.

There are a few things that factor into this answer. The frequency of your lessons, the type of lesson, what dances you want to learn and how quickly you pick up the moves will factor into the overall cost. Since we focus on social dancing and not competition, our dance lessons and dance events tend to be more affordable than other hobbies these days. For first-time students, your first private lesson is free. After your first lesson, your instructor will be in a better position to recommend a program and you will have more information to make the choice for you.

We make every effort to accommodate the schedules of our students. In general, we have a 24-hour cancelation policy, so please let us know in advance of cancelations.

For Group Classes, it is rare that we offer the same class more than once each month. Our instructors usually include a quick review of the previous week's materials for muscle memory. This will typically get you back in line with the rest of the class. If that doesn’t work, we recommend taking a private lesson, at an additional expense, to make up for any material you missed. Either way, communication with your instructor is key!

The best way to start your dance journey is to book a free, introductory lesson. We can discuss what you are most interested in and recommend how to get there. To schedule an introductory lesson, click here to Book a Private Lesson. You can select any of the open times on the calendar. If none of the open appointments work for your schedule, send an email to and we will work with you to make other arrangements.

If you just want to jump right in, our calendar is up to date with all our lessons and events. Come join us at any of them!